

Defines formats to read and write different time values.

#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
#include "clingo/time/C_TimeFormats.h"
#include "clingo/time/cTime.h"

      cTime time;
      char const* fmt;
      char const* exp;
#define t_( ... ) ((test){__VA_ARGS__})

int main( void )

   cTime time = make_time_c( 2006, c_Jan, 2, 15, 4, 5, 0, tz_c( -700 ) );
   testSlice tests = slice_c_( test,
   // date
      t_( time, C_DateFormat, "2006.01.02" ),
   // daytime
      t_( time, C_KitchenTime, " 3:04PM" ),
   // time
      t_( time, C_AnsiCTime,        "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006" ),
      t_( time, C_Rfc882Time,       "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" ),
      t_( time, C_Rfc1123Time,      "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" ),
      t_( time, C_Rfc3339Time,      "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" ),
      t_( time, C_Rfc3339TimeNano,  "2006-01-02T15:04:05.0-07:00" )

   for_each_c_( test const*, t, tests )
      cRecorder* rec = &recorder_c_( 64 );

      bool res = write_time_c( rec, t->time, t->fmt );
      res &= recorded_is_c( rec, t->exp );

      tap_descf_c( res, "'%s' -> '%s'", t->fmt, turn_into_cstr_c( rec ) );

   return finish_tap_c_();

Types and Definitions

date definitions


char const*const C_DateFormat = "YYYY.MM.DD";

The definition of the default format to read or write a cDate value.


char const*const C_TextDate = "EEE MMM _D YYYY";

The definition to read or write a cDate with some text.


char const*const C_IsoDate = "YYYY-MM-DD";

The definition of a format to read or write a cDate value in the ISO format.


char const*const C_IsoOrdinalDate = "YYYY-CCC";

The definition of a format to read or write a cDate value in the ISO format for ordinal dates.


char const*const C_IsoWeekDate = "XXXX-WWW-E";

The definition of a format to read or write a cDate value in the ISO format for week dates.


char const*const C_Rfc2822Date = "EEE, DD MMM YYYY";

The definition of a format to read or write a cDate value in the in RFC2822 defined format.

daytime definitions


char const*const C_DaytimeFormat = "hh:mm:ss.n";

The definition of the default format to read or write a cDaytime value.


char const*const C_IsoDaytime = "hh:mm:ss";

The definition of a format to read or write a cDaytime value in the ISO format.


char const*const C_KitchenTime = "_k:mmAP";

The definition of a format to read or write a cDaytime value from a kitchen clock.

duration definitions


char const*const C_DurationFormat = "wdhmsn";

The definition of the default format to read or write a cDuration value.

time definitions


char const*const C_TimeFormat = "YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss oooo";

The definition of the default format to read or write a cTime value.


char const*const C_IsoTime = "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssoooo";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value int the ISO format.


char const*const C_Rfc2822Time = "EEE, DD MMM YYYY hh:mm:sszzzz";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value in the in RFC2822 defined format.


char const*const C_AnsiCTime = "EEE MMM _D hh:mm:ss YYYY";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value in the default format in ANSI C.


char const*const C_Rfc882Time = "DD MMM YY hh:mm oooo";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value in the in RFC882 defined format.


char const*const C_Rfc1123Time = "EEE, DD MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss oooo";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value in the in RFC1123 defined format.


char const*const C_Rfc3339Time = "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:sszz";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value in the in RFC3339 defined format.


char const*const C_Rfc3339TimeNano = "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nzz";

The definition of a format to read or write a cTime value in the in RFC3339 defined format, including the nanoseconds part.