Module that defines the CBitVec type and the associated functions.
Types and Definitions
cMeta const C_BitVecMeta;
Stores the cMeta instance that all CBitVec instances reference.
struct CBitVec;
typedef struct CBitVec CBitVec;
Abstract type that represents a bit vector.
CBitVec* new_bit_vec_c( int64_t n );
Creates a bit vector with n bits.
CBitVec* copy_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* vec );
Creates a copy of a bit vector.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* orig = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "01011010" );
CBitVec* copy = copy_bit_vec_c( orig );
expect_c_( orig != copy );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( copy, "01011010" ) );
release_all_c_( orig, copy );
return finish_tap_c_();
CBitVec* bit_vec_from_chars_c( cChars chars );
Creates a bit vector from a char slice representation. Each \'0' and \'o' will be an unset bit, each \'1' will be set bit and space characters will be ignored.
CBitVec* bit_vec_from_cstr_c( char const bitstr[static 1] );
Creates a bit vector from a C string representation. Each \'0' and \'o' will be an unset bit, each \'1' will be set bit and space characters will be ignored.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
char const* bitStr = "00011011 00110011 10101010";
char const* lowStr = "ooo11o11 oo11oo11 1o1o1o1o";
char const* invStr = "11100100 11001100 01010101";
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( bitStr );
CBitVec* low = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( lowStr );
expect_c_( bit_vec_size_c( vec ) == 24 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, bitStr ) );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, lowStr ) );
expect_c_( eq_bit_vec_c( vec, low ) );
expect_c_( not bit_vec_is_c_( vec, invStr ) );
release_all_c_( vec, low );
return finish_tap_c_();
bool resize_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* vec, int64_t n );
Reduces or expands the number of bits that can be stored inside the CBitVec instance.
int64_t bit_vec_size_c( CBitVec const* vec );
Returns the number of bits the vector stores.
cByte get_from_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* vec, int64_t pos );
Returns the bit value at the index pos.
int64_t find_index_of_bit_c( CBitVec const* vec, cByte bit, int64_t from );
Returns the next index with a bit value, starting from a known index.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "00100010" );
expect_c_( find_index_of_bit_c( vec, 1, 0 ) == 2 );
expect_c_( find_index_of_bit_c( vec, 0, 3 ) == 3 );
expect_c_( find_index_of_bit_c( vec, 1, 3 ) == 6 );
release_c( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
int64_t popcount_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* vec, cByte bit );
Counts the number of bits with the specified bit value.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "00111111" );
expect_c_( popcount_bit_vec_c( vec, 0 ) == 2 );
expect_c_( popcount_bit_vec_c( vec, 1 ) == 6 );
release_c( vec );
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "00001111 11000000 1001" );
expect_c_( popcount_bit_vec_c( vec, 0 ) == 12 );
expect_c_( popcount_bit_vec_c( vec, 1 ) == 8 );
release_c( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
int64_t rfind_index_of_bit_c( CBitVec const* vec, cByte bit, int64_t from );
Returns the previous index with a bit value, starting from a known index.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "00100010" );
expect_c_( rfind_index_of_bit_c( vec, 1, 7 ) == 6 );
expect_c_( rfind_index_of_bit_c( vec, 0, 3 ) == 3 );
expect_c_( rfind_index_of_bit_c( vec, 1, 3 ) == 2 );
release_c( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
void set_on_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* vec, int64_t pos, cByte bit );
Sets the bit value at the index pos.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = new_bit_vec_c( 15 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "0000 0000 0000 000" ) );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 0, 1 );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 3, 1 );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 4, 1 );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 7, 1 );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 10, 1 );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 11, 1 );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 14, 1 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1001 1001 0011 001" ) );
set_on_bit_vec_c( vec, 19, 1 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1001 1001 0011 0010 0001" ) );
release_c( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
void set_range_on_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* vec, cRange range, cByte bit );
Sets the same value on a range in the bit vector.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "1000 0001 0000 001" );
set_range_on_bit_vec_c( vec, closed_range_c_( 5, 9 ), 1 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1000 0111 1100 001" ) );
set_range_on_bit_vec_c( vec, closed_range_c_( 6, 8 ), 0 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1000 0100 0100 001" ) );
set_range_on_bit_vec_c( vec, closed_range_c_( 17, 19 ), 1 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1000 0100 0100 0010 0111" ) );
set_range_on_bit_vec_c( vec, closed_range_c_( 18, 25 ), 0 );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1000 0100 0100 0010 0100" ) );
release_c( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
CBitVec* bitand_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* a, CBitVec const* b );
Combines the bits of a and b with a logical and to a new bit vector. Returns NULL if the allocation fails or a and b have a different number of bits.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* a = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* b = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0011" );
CBitVec* res = bitand_bit_vec_c( a, b );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( res, "0001" ) );
release_all_c_( a, b, res );
return finish_tap_c_();
bool bitand_on_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* a, CBitVec const* b );
Overwrites a with a logical and of the bits of a and b. Returns false if a and b have a different number of bits.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* a = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* b = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0011" );
bitand_on_bit_vec_c( a, b );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( a, "0001" ) );
release_all_c_( a, b );
return finish_tap_c_();
CBitVec* bitor_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* a, CBitVec const* b );
Combines the bits of a and b with a logical or to a new bit vector. Returns NULL if the allocation fails or a and b have a different number of bits.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* a = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* b = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0011" );
CBitVec* res = bitor_bit_vec_c( a, b );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( res, "0111" ) );
release_all_c_( a, b, res );
return finish_tap_c_();
bool bitor_on_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* a, CBitVec const* b );
Overwrites a with a logical or of the bits of a and b. Returns false if a and b have a different number of bits.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* a = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* b = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0011" );
bitor_on_bit_vec_c( a, b );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( a, "0111" ) );
release_all_c_( a, b );
return finish_tap_c_();
CBitVec* compl_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* vec );
Creates a new vector with the complement of the slice a. Returns NULL if the allocation fails.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* res = compl_bit_vec_c( vec );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( res, "1010" ) );
release_all_c_( vec, res );
return finish_tap_c_();
bool compl_on_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* vec );
Builds the complement of the slice a. Returns false if the slices have different s values.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
compl_on_bit_vec_c( vec );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( vec, "1010" ) );
release_all_c_( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
CBitVec* xor_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* a, CBitVec const* b );
Overwrites a with a logical exclusive or of the bits of a and b. Returns NULL if the allocation fails or a and b have a different number of bits.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* a = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* b = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0011" );
CBitVec* res = xor_bit_vec_c( a, b );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( res, "0110" ) );
release_all_c_( a, b, res );
return finish_tap_c_();
bool xor_on_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* a, CBitVec* b );
Combines the bits of a and b with a logical exclusive or and overwrites a. Returns false if a and b have a different number of bits.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
CBitVec* a = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0101" );
CBitVec* b = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0011" );
xor_on_bit_vec_c( a, b );
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( a, "0110" ) );
release_all_c_( a, b );
return finish_tap_c_();
void shift_bit_vec_c( CBitVec* vec, int64_t distance, cByte fill );
Shifts the bits in a byte slice. A negative offset shifts the bits to the left, a positive offset shifts the bits to the right.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
#define expect_( Vec, BinStr ) \
expect_c_( bit_vec_is_c_( (Vec), (BinStr) ) )
int main( void )
{ // ------------------------------------------------------------ short shift
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "00010111" );
expect_c_( bit_vec_size_c( vec ) == 8 );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, -1, 0 );
expect_( vec, "00101110" );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, 1, 1 );
expect_( vec, "10010111" );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, -3, 1 );
expect_( vec, "10111111" );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, 3, 0 );
expect_( vec, "00010111" );
release_c( vec );
{ // -------------------------------------------------------------- big shift
CBitVec* vec = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "00001111 00001111 00001111"
"00001111 00001111 0000" );
expect_c_( bit_vec_size_c( vec ) == 44 );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, -5, 1 );
expect_( vec, "11100001 11100001 11100001"
"11100001 11100001 1111" );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, 6, 0 );
expect_( vec, "00000011 10000111 10000111"
"10000111 10000111 1000" );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, -13, 1 );
expect_( vec, "11110000 11110000 11110000"
"11110001 11111111 1111" );
shift_bit_vec_c( vec, 16, 0 );
expect_( vec, "00000000 00000000 11110000"
"11110000 11110000 1111" );
release_c( vec );
return finish_tap_c_();
#define bit_vec_is_c( Vec, Cstr ) \
bit_vec_is_c( (Vec), c_c( Cstr ) )
bool bit_vec_is_c( CBitVec* vec, cChars chars );
Function that checks the bits with the help of a chars value. The check ignores the \\0 of the c string.
int cmp_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* a, CBitVec const* b );
Compares to bit vectors.
bool eq_bit_vec_c( CBitVec const* a, CBitVec const* b );
Util function that wraps cmp_bit_vec_c and returns true if both bit vectors are equal.
#define read_bit_vec_c_( Sca, Vec ) \
read_bit_vec_c( (Sca), (Vec), "" )
bool read_bit_vec_c( cScanner sca[static 1],
CBitVec* vec[static 1],
char const fmt[static 1] );
#define write_bit_vec_c_( Rec, Vec ) \
write_bit_vec_c( (Rec), (Vec), "" )
bool write_bit_vec_c( cRecorder rec[static 1],
CBitVec const* vec,
char const fmt[static 1] );
Writes the bits in a text format into the recorder. The format can be "dbg", "zip" or a format string with the following syntax:
The fix format "dbg" writes the struct layout of a CBitVec into the recorder.
The fix format "zip" compresses the bit string with the following rules: .zip
single 1 value between 0 values |
write a \'+' |
single 0 value between 1 values |
write a \'_' |
more then one 1 value beween 0 values |
write the number of 1 followed by a \'i' |
more then one 0 value beween 1 values |
write the number of 0 followed by a \'z' |
The format string has the following options:
The set represents the two characters that should be used to represent 0 and 1. The defualt set is 'o1'.
The optional line value defines how much bits a line should contain, the default value is 80.
c |
appends at the end of the line the number of bits allready written |
By default is the flag not set and no counter will be written.
The chunk value defines after how much bits in a line a whitespace character should be added, the default value is 10.
#include "clingo/container/CBitVec.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
CBitVec* vec;
char const* fmt;
char const* exp;
#define t_( ... ) ((test){__VA_ARGS__})
int main( void )
CBitVec* vec1 = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0000111111"
"0001" );
CBitVec* vec2 = bit_vec_from_cstr_c( "0110101010"
"00101" );
testSlice tests = slice_c_( test,
// format
t_( vec1, "","oooo111111 o11ooo1111 ooo1" ), // "" / "b/80/10"
t_( vec1, "/c", "oooo111111 o11ooo1111 ooo1 | 24" ),
t_( vec1, "01/9c/5", "00001 1111 | 9\n"
"10110 0011 | 18\n"
"11000 1 | 24" ),
t_( vec1, "/8/0", "oooo1111\n"
"1111ooo1" ),
t_( vec1, "_I/12c", "____IIIIII _I | 12\n"
"I___IIII__ _I | 24" ),
// list
t_( vec1, "list", "4-9,11-12,16-19,23" ),
t_( vec2, "list", "1-2,4,6,8,12,14" ),
// zip
t_( vec1, "zip", "4z6i_2i3z4i3z+" ),
t_( vec2, "zip", "_2i_+_+_+3z+_+" ),
// dbg
t_( vec1, "dbg", "{ .numOfBits=24"
", .numOfBytes=3"
", .bitMask=11111111 }" ),
t_( vec2, "dbg", "{ .numOfBits=15"
", .numOfBytes=2"
", .bitMask=1111111o }" )
for ( int64_t i = 0; i < tests.s; ++i )
test t = tests.v[i];
cRecorder* rec = &recorder_c_( 128 );
bool res = write_bit_vec_c( rec, t.vec, t.fmt );
res &= recorded_is_c( rec, t.exp );
tap_descf_c( res, "test '%s' at %"PRIi64, t.fmt, i );
release_all_c_( vec1, vec2 );
return finish_tap_c_();