Module that allows to write text with additional arguments.
Type and Definitions
#define cWRITE_ERROR_
Defines the c_WriteError values and the corresponding messages.
enum c_WriteError {
c_NotEnoughRecorderSpace = 1,
c_ToLargeWriteFormat = 2,
c_InvalidWriteFormat = 3,
type enum c_WriteError c_WrtieError;
Enum type to represent errors that can happen in a write function.
typedef bool ( *c_write_va_arg )( cRecorder rec[static 1],
va_list* list,
cChars type,
char const fmt[static 1] );
c_write_va_arg is the signature of a function to write a with type specified value val with the format fmt. The default implementatio of the function is write_format_arg_c.
bool write_format_arg_c( cRecorder rec[static 1],
va_list* list,
cChars type,
char const fmt[static 1] );
Writes the current element in the list into the recorder.
#define write_c_( Rec, ... ) \ write_c( (Rec), write_format_arg_c, nargs_c_( __VA_ARGS__ ), __VA_ARGS__ ) bool write_c( cRecorder rec[static 1], c_write_va_arg write_arg, int n, ... );
Writes a formated text with the recorder. The text can have parameter specifier to insert the addition argument into the text.
The optional "fmt" value can have a size of 32 chars.
The values ^
and }
are special characters, use ^^
and ^}
to pass this
characters in the "fmt" value to the corresponding read function.
The requried type value shows witch sub read function will be used. The default read_arg value read_format_arg_c uses the following mapping:
bool |
write_bool_c |
b |
write_byte_c |
bs |
write_bytes_c |
c |
write_char_c |
cs |
write_chars_c |
d |
write_double_c |
f |
write_float_c |
i8 |
write_int8_c |
i16 |
write_int16_c |
i32 |
write_int32_c |
i64 |
write_int64_c |
r |
write_rune_c |
rec |
write_recorded_c |
rng |
write_range_c |
s |
write_cstr_c |
u8 |
write_uint8_c |
u16 |
write_uint16_c |
u32 |
write_uint32_c |
u64 |
write_uint64_c |
#include "clingo/io/write.h"
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
int main( void )
cRecorder* rec = &recorder_c_( 1024 );
expect_c_( write_c_( rec,
"{i64:q} is more as {i64:Q} ", imax64_c( 64, 3 ), imin64_c( 64, 3 ),
"but both are in range {rng:c}{s}\n", closed_range_c_( 0, 64 ), "BOOM!",
"{{really}\n", "BOOM!\n",
"{cs:q}\n", c_c( "_" ),
"that is so {bool}", true
) );
expect_c_( recorded_is_c( rec,
"'64' is more as \"3\" but both are in range [0..64]BOOM!\n"
"that is so true" ));
reset_recorder_c( rec );
expect_c_( write_c_( rec, "res = {bool}", true ) );
expect_c_( recorded_is_c( rec, "res = true" ) );
return finish_tap_c_();
#define writeln_c_( Rec, ... ) \
writeln_c( (Rec), write_format_arg_c, nargs_c_( __VA_ARGS__ ), __VA_ARGS__ )
bool writeln_c( cRecorder rec[static 1],
c_write_va_arg write_arg,
int n,
... );
Works like write_c, but adds a '\n' at the end.
char const* write_error_msg_c( cRecorder rec[static 1] );
Returns the corresponding message for a C_WriteError.